Tuesday, 29 July 2014

3 Create a Virtual Device

To test your Android applications you will need a virtual Android device. So before we start writing our code, let us create an Android virtual device.

So here we go!!

After opening your Eclipse Window....
Step 1: User left click on "Android Virtual Device Manager (button)"                                                  

Step 2: User left click on "New... (button)"                                                                                            

Step 3: Now give a name to your device emulator and select some predefined device names with their configurations.

Step 4:  User left click on "OK (button)"                                                                                            

Step 5:  Select your device from list                                                                                                  

Step 12: Left click on "Start... (button)"                                                                                                  

Thats it !!
Now you have an emulator which will take take some time to load and in the end will look like this

If your AVD is created successfully it means your environment is ready for Android application development. If you like, you can close this window using top-right cross button. Better you re-start your machine and once you are done with this last step, you are ready to proceed for your first Android project

1 comment:

  1. my Ok button on AVD is disabled :( tried running sdk directly without eclipse still facing same issue :(
    can you let me know what might be the problem ... thx in advance...
    Nice blog for starting android Dev
